
Our trusted training courses, delivered by experts in CLP and REACH for over 20 years, have been adapted to meet the needs of individuals and organisations of today.   Available 24/7 from your own desk, no travel, no accommodation, no extra costs.

Subscription E-Learning has been proven to improve knowledge retention and productivity within the workplace.  With a CLP Hub annual subscription you will have continual access to up to date E-Learning content with the bonus of a managed Resources Library, Technical Notes and Regulatory updates.  For Gold Subscribers looking for full competency certification, ongoing support and professional development, there is a wealth of additional content, tailored to meet the needs of specific industries.

Our E-Learning modules are perfect for individuals just starting on their journey right up to chemical professionals looking to further their knowledge.

All E–Learning Modules are included in both the Silver and Gold Subscription packages.

Module 1 – EU Regulatory Framework & Responsibilities

Introduces the delegates to the regulations governing the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals.

Module 2 – EU Classification System & Label Elements

Discusses the components that make up the CLP classification system, PCN and their representation via the label elements.

Module 3 – EU Classification

Covers the topic of Classification, including; General principles and concepts, classification of substances in the ECHA Inventory,

classification of substances and mixtures using data, classification of mixtures using algorithms

Module 4 – EU Labelling and Packaging

Covers the format, content and application of CLP compliant labels.  Advanced content on Precautionary and EUH Statement application.  Also details the labelling exemptions, provisions for the update of labels and retention of information.

Module 5 – EU Safety Data Sheets

Explains the purpose of Safety Data Sheets. Discusses the detailed requirements for the content and format of sds. The requirements for provision and update of sds, as well as retention of information.

Module 6 – Poison Centre Notifications, theory and practical

This module covers the requirement to notify, via ECHA, the mixtures you place on the EU market that are classified as hazardous on the basis of their health or physical effects. Understand your responsibilities and those of your EU customers, what formulation or name changes trigger an update or a new notification, the use of UFIs, and how to protect your formulations. The theory is followed by a practical session showing you how to create your ECHA account and upload your product dossiers.


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